
I am a psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist who works with individuals and relationships. I also offer supervision and consultations. I specialise in GSRD (Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversities: LGBTQ+, non-monogamies, kink, sex work) and race, culture, neurodivergence and disability. I have specialist training in trauma, PTSD and CPTSD (complex PTSD), and dissociation. I have extensive … Read More


BOOKS I have written a chapter for a book on psychotherapy, to illustrate how EDT can be adapted for use with adolescents in general, and, specifically, underachieving gifted adolescents: ‘Using Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy to Treat an Underachieving Gifted Adolescent’, in ‘The Theory and Practice of Experiential Dynamic Therapy’, edited by Ferruccio Osimo and Mark Stein. … Read More


Psychology Today, Sex Work and Therapy I am quoted in David J. Ley’s blog in Psychology Today, Sex Work and Therapy: “Sexworkers don’t need their therapist to ‘rescue’ them.’ Ronete Cohen is a London-based psychotherapist who has worked extensively with sexworkers. She tells me that she sees many patients who have been shamed, stigmatized and … Read More