
I am a psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist who works with individuals and relationships. I also offer supervision and consultations. I specialise in GSRD (Gender, Sex and Relationship Diversities: LGBTQ+, non-monogamies, kink, sex work) and race, culture, neurodivergence and disability. I have specialist training in trauma, PTSD and CPTSD (complex PTSD), and dissociation. I have extensive … Read More


Therapy can help you improve your relationship with yourself and others. It can help you understand and accept yourself. It can help you be kinder and more compassionate towards yourself. It can help free you from a past you find hard to let go of. It can help you stop feeling stuck and start moving … Read More


As a supervisor, I support, advise, listen and share my expertise. I strive to make supervision a safe and non-judgemental space where you can exchange ideas and feel supported. I try to hear you with warmth and compassion, and together we listen to what is and isn’t being said in the sessions you bring to … Read More